People's suffers a lot of smokers around the world, from the difficulty of quitting smoking dangerous to human health, so the latest research findings to the solution through three simple steps to help you get rid of the final smoking. Here are three simple steps, which is one of the most successful ways to get rid of this bad habit: 1. Adjust the desire or urge to smoke I found a study where a group of smokers participated the training of the mind to control emotions and desires helps people quit smoking, researchers believe that adjust the desires have to control the emotions associated with the desire, which helps the smoker to become a dominant force in his wishes and not a slave to it. 2. changing the environment in which you live It could encourage the ocean or the environment in which the smoker lives to continue in this bad habit, and it must change some of the habits of health-related quality of foods covered by the smoker, Kalhloyat. These studies confirmed that the change some healthy habits and a healthy diet helps addicts to quit smoking. 3. Replace the bad habits somehow healthier than Bad habits is working to increase psychological stress and fatigue, this rule works in other bad habits but not limited to smoking alone. For example, you can give up the habit of nail biting when replacing the practice deep breathing every time a person feels overwhelmed.