jeudi 29 septembre 2016

The prohibition of anti-bacterial soap in the United States

The prohibition of the Office of the US Food and Drug Administration "FDA" sell antibacterial soaps and bath materials for the body, since they contain unsafe ingredients for long-term use.

There is talk here about 19 kind of material, including substances known as anti-bacterial Cal "Tricklusan and triclocarban."

The ban was initially confined to some soap and bath items, and remained necessary to sterilize napkins antimicrobial outside the block list yet material.

The Director of the Drug Evaluation and the American Research Center Janet Woodcock: "Many buyers believe that the antibacterial soap more effective in dealing with the spread of bacteria from the normal water soap, but is not receiving any scientific evidence on the subject. Even some of these substances may actually be harmful to the body.

It is worth mentioning that in scientific journals often publish that regular use of soap containing triclosan may lead to the spread of bacteria that have resistant materials Altnzivih, to confirm that the antibacterial soap is best for the health of ordinary soap.