vendredi 24 février 2017

Benefits of molasses

Molasses is a sticky substance dense are processed from sugar cane and sugar beet derived its name from the meaning of honey in ancient Latin language has been the production of molasses in the beginning in the Caribbean in the early twentieth century, but today it is produced in a number of countries molasses is the raw material from refining canned and sugar cane by-product of the extraction of sucrose from sugar beet depends nutritional content of molasses on the method of refining and maturity of the plant and the amount of sugar extracted from molasses contains the necessary minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, chromium, cobalt, sodium is a good source for energy and source of carbohydrate sources It provides niacin and vitamin B-6, thiamin, riboflavin contain low levels of fat.

Benefits of molasses: Interest on handling molasses treatment and pressure, cancer, prostatic hyperplasia, acne, skin diseases, constipation, headache, anemia, menstrual syndrome, which helps to improve bone health and balance between hormones and hair care, sexual health and helps the nervous system works and wound healing as it helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain healthy levels of hemoglobin and assistance in the formation of new cells in the body, molasses contains large amounts of nutrients that are essential to the body's need unlike refined white sugar that contains simple carbohydrates is not healthy for the body, studies have shown that it contains antioxidants It protects the body against the oxidative damage linked to cancer and disorders of the cardiovascular and degenerative diseases ..

1. antioxidant capacity: Studies have shown that molasses contain the largest amount of antioxidants as compared to refined sugars and other sugar protect the body from oxidative damage associated with injury and cardiovascular diseases and degenerative disorders.

Benefits of molasses

2. menstruation: Molasses a good source of iron is one of the most important things you lose Ms. during the menstrual cycle often cause anemia with a number of calories is the best source for iron, which increases red blood cells prevents from various disorders such as menorrhagia which causes the flow of blood and minerals such as magnesium and calcium in the molasses can help prevent blood clots and relieve menstrual cramps and helps to maintain the health of the muscles of the uterus, and is a healthy alternative to sugar and compared with other medications for menstrual period, which may have some side effects.

3. Obesity: polyphenols in molasses have effective anti-oxidant effects in reducing obesity and weight management molasses helps to reduce weight by reducing calorie absorption in the body.

4. better sexual health: Molasses is rich in metal manganese, which helps the production of sex hormones, which play a vital role in the work of the nervous system and the prevention of blood clots and energy production of both proteins and carbohydrates metal manganese deficiency is associated with infertility general fatigue and weak bones.

5. treatment of constipation and diarrhea: studies have shown that the development of molasses within the enema with sodium phosphate treated cases of chronic constipation.

6. bone health: molasses important source of calcium, which plays a role in maintaining bone health and remove toxins from the body, colon and maintaining healthy teeth and protects the body from a private bone disease after menopause prevents muscle cramps.

7. treatment of rheumatism and nervous: anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties contribute to the treatment of neurological disorders that primarily.

8. Diabetes: helps molasses in stabilizing blood sugar levels, which helps low and slow the metabolism of glucose and carbohydrates less of the hormone insulin production helps in the prevention of the accumulation of excess fat or fat in the bloodstream leads to impaired glucose tolerance, which can lead to diabetes.

9. Lack of potassium in blood: molasses essential mineral potassium is needed for proper functioning of cells and helps to contain acid-base balance in the body and prevents heat stress Potassium plays an important role in nerve and muscle contraction and helps maintain a healthy heart prevents molasses potassium deficiency.

10. Acne: contribute molasses in alleviating acne because it contains lactic acid, which helps to relieve acne symptoms and the production of lactic acid from the lactic acid bacteria, and plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, effectively used in the preparation of the natural treatments for acne treatment young and other skin diseases resides acid in milk curd, tomatoes and apples.