lundi 20 février 2017
Diet water only
Diet water just happened diet is a diet of water, where cures a headache, pressure, and blood, anemia (anemia), gout, paralysis, heart palpitation, epilepsy and obesity. METHODS: drinking four cups lukewarm water on an empty stomach with no eating only after 45 minutes (preferably early in the morning) eat three full meals from any kinds of food without wasteful or excessive propagation dimension completely from eating between meals should not eat any type of food or fluids only two hours after the previous main meal if you feel thirsty, drink water before eating at least half an hour and health benefits: cures a headache, pressure, and blood, anemia (anemia), gout, paralysis, heart palpitation, epilepsy and obesity. Cough, sore throat, asthma and tuberculosis. Meningitis any other illness related to urinary tract. Hyperacidity and gastritis, dysentery and constipation iMac disease related to eye, throat and ear, irregular menstrual cycle in women.